Panel Construction
The operable walls manufactured by Advanced Equipment and furnished, installed and serviced by our Local Representatives, are identified as three distinct series. Each series is available with several variations of the basic panel construction characteristics of that Series.
About Panels
Designed and manufactured since 1957, this family owned and run company offers operable walls built to last the life of your building, offered worldwide.
- Custom Design
- Custom Finishes
- Unbeatable Durability
- Gauranteed Sound Performance

The all welded, all steel construction with heavy steel (16 or 14 gauge) faces robotically fusion welded every 8 inches to perimeter frame members – gives you the best obtainable rigidity, life expectancy, low maintenance, and ease of operation.
All of this performance, at competitive cost.
One piece panels to 60 feet high. Panel widths to 60 inches.
10 or 20 year limited panel warranty.
The BEST in guaranteed sound stopping. STC to 54, field tested NIC 40 ASTM E 336 – on your job, if specified. Available acoustically absorptive NRC 0.65.
Alpha – for highly repetitive use or severe service. Nothing else meets your needs or matches its performance. Anywhere.
Qualifies for LEED Credit MR 4.1 & MR 4.2
The cost effective version of our ALPHA series panels. All welded steel construction with face sheet thickness ranging from 20 ga. to 16 ga. depending on desired STC. Faces are robotically fusion welded to same frame members as supplied with ALPHA “S” panel.
One piece panels to 25′ feet high. Panel width to 54 inches.
5 year limited warranty.
STC to 53, NIC to 40 E-336
Sigma – The cost effective solution to durability.
Qualifies for LEED Credit MR 4.1 & MR 4.2
AEC’s most cost effective panel construction. Panel face sheets are gypsum board or partical board. Structural aluminum frame members are mechanical fastened and encapsulate the panel face. Face sheets are field replaceable. Panel is not suitable for electric operation.
One piece panels to 12′ ft heigh. Maximum panel height is 16′ ft. Panels exceeding 12′ ft high have horizontal splice joint. Panel widths to 48″ inches.
STC from 45 to 52, NIC to 38 E-336
Gamma – An economical solution to your space division needs.

Writing a valid operable wall specification is as easy as 1-2-3, with DWSpec™
For more information see our Design page.